StartUp Breeze Awards

StartUp Breeze finalists benefit of several opportunities:

Coaching and final presentation at Pinwheel Pitching Stage

Finalists benefit from thematic webinars and tailored coaching to refine their business proposal with life sciences experts and mentors. Proposals are presented in front of an audience of investors and corporates on October the 9th 2024 at the Pinwheel Pitching Stage (PPS), hosted as part of EventX Life Sciences>>link>>, an international partnering and conference event to be held at Stazione Leopolda in Florence, Italy on October 8-9, 2024. At the end of PPS, the title for the most innovative business proposal for SB 2024 is awarded by a panel of life sciences experts

Special awards offered by partners

In addition to the coaching and the participation in the final presentation event, SB 2024 offers some awards from the partners network. The terms of provision will be agreed between the selected startups and the partner offering the prize. Partners reserve the right not to award prizes if, in their sole discretion, they do not identify suitable candidates among the finalists. Pursuant to art. 6 of dpr 430/01, the initiative is not considered a sweepstakes. For all details, please refer to the regulations of the initiative.

RP legalitax Special Award

RP legalitax offers 5 hours of assistance from a firm professional on topics of interest from the many covered by the firm’s expertise.

InnovUp logo

InnovUp Special Award

InnovUp, the association of the Italian ecosystem of innovative entrepreneurship, offers free membership to all the Startup Breeze 2024 finalists. The  InnovUp membership provides free access to conventions, services and all association activities and special projects for members.

I3P logo

I3P Special Award

I3P, the Incubator of Polytechnic of Turin, one of the best public incubators in the world, offers for 1 finalist, selected by the award jury, a support programme consisting of an all-inclusive coworking space for 12 months at I3P; intensive tutoring and mentoring from its experts and network; participation in all networking events organised by I3P; presentation and support in contacts with potential national and international clients, investors, industrial partners, and local suppliers; support in relations with banks for debt financing in accordance with I3P agreements.

Bugnion Special Award

Bugnion offers a voucher worth 3.000 euros in professional services for the definition and implementation of the correct strategy for the protection and enhancement of intellectual property

Frontiers Health Special Award

Frontiers Health offers two passes to attend Frontiers Health 2024 (Oct. 17-18, 2024, Berlin), one of the leading global innovation events for digital health, with a strong focus on digital therapies, innovative technologies, health transformation, investment, and health ecosystem development.

Digital Health Blogs Special Award

Digital Health Blogs offers the publication of an interview curated by the editors with relaunch on social channels and in newsletters on the blog to the winner of the title of most innovative proposal

EIT Health Special Award

EIT Health offers up to 8 hours of specialized consultancy by an EIT Health manager (worth 1.200 euros).

Bioindustry Park Special Award

Bioindustry Park, science park specialized in the field of human health, offers for 1 finalist access to the #ReadytoStartUP! customized mentoring program aimed at receiving strategic support to accelerate their business development and foster access to expertise, initiatives, networks and funding.

G-Gravity Special Award

G-Gravity offers for one finalist mentorship activities (4 sessions), inclusion in the community and in the events and initiatives in Italy and abroad promoted by G-Gravity, possibility of access to the co-working hub for 6 months free of charge and 50% discount on the use of meeting rooms or events..

PhotonHUB Special Award

PhotonHUB, through project partner Confindustria Toscana in collaboration with Confindustria Toscana Servizi, offers a customized 2-month mentoring program to provide strategic support and to foster access to expertise, events, networking and funding, and promotion in the Photonhub community.

Obloo Ventures Special Award

Obloo Ventures Obloo Ventures offers a scholarship to cover 50% of tuition fees for the Executive MBA in Business Innovation (EMBAIN) at MIB Trieste School of Management. This is a part-time, Milan-based executive MBA designed to integrate technology, science and management and transform business models and business processes.